Matt Morrow, John Harp, Sam Bradley and myself sat down a few weeks ago to kick around an idea Sam had involving additional Home Show points for those who contribute to the Coalition for Building a Better Tomorrow. Ultimately, we submitted the idea to the Home Show Committee and the end result was three ways for members to gain points for CBBT support/participation:
1. Entry level Coalition for Building a Better Tomorrow (CBBT) donation of $100 or more.
2. Participating in the CBBT Sporting Clays Tournament (if entry level donation has previously been made).
3. Sponsoring the CBBT Sporting Clays Tournament (if entry level donation has previously been made).
The Sporting Clay Tournament offers a perfect opportunity to support your industry’s political action committee. If you aren’t familiar with the CBBT, I hope you will take some time to learn more about this organization that works to elect decision and policy makers who will hold the line on the unnecessary regulation and fees which drive up the cost of housing. Plus, the tournament is fun. We have just about every level of experience represented at this event--from experienced clay shooters to those who haven’t ever picked up a gun before. Regardless of your level of experience, you’ll have a great time and you might even win something!
Because the tournament has grown so much, we are now offering two flights - morning and afternoon. Each will have an awards ceremony. I hope many of you will participate in the tournament or support it as a sponsor. In the mean time, our members will continue tweaking the “mousetrap” and making it better.
Kevin Clingan
HBA President