Sunday, August 30, 2009

Change and the Art of Survival

A very large Oak Tree was uprooted by a storm and thrown across a stream. It fell among some reeds, which the powerful tree addressed, “How is it that these winds can knock me down, but you who are so weak and frail survive?”

They replied, “You fight and contend with the wind, and consequently are destroyed; while we have learned to bend, and therefore survive.” The art of survival is not to avoid life’s storms, which we cannot, but to learn to adjust.

The time to adjust is here. In fact, a new state law affecting all new homes (custom built and spec homes,) is now in force. Any contract signed after August 28, 2009 must include an offer by the builder to install a fire protection sprinkler system at the expense of the buyer. The choice is fully up to the buyer as is the financial responsibility for the cost of the system/installation. As builders we should supply the buyer with an informational pamphlet endorsed by both the Home Builders Associations and the Missouri Fire Service Alliance, and ask the client to sign a form that confirms their intentions. Both forms are available at the HBA office. State law requires that builders make the offer; including the form as part of your contracts is your proof of compliance with the law. The HBA is requesting that you also provide us with a copy of the Offer Form. As you will come to discover these forms will provide invaluable data for future building code development. The current law sunsets December 31, 2011. At that point each municipality is free to decide for themselves whether or not to adopt the full IRC code that requires fire sprinkler systems to be installed in all new, and many remodeled homes.

The times they are a changing. In fact, in response to our ever changing and ever hungry for instant news society, your HBA has been testing, and is now ready to improve the way that you receive industry news. The printed newsletter that you are accustomed to seeing each month will become a quarterly printed report, and we will be adding a weekly e-Housing News. The board is receiving the test runs and we are more than impressed with the real time, useful reports. This e-newsletter is possibly the most professionally prepared report that you will find anywhere on the web. The navigation, the up-to-date information, and the easy click format is very user friendly. I am confident it will be a welcome new marketing option for those of you who want cutting edge, targeted advertising options.

The HBA is working tirelessly to make sure that our members are the best informed, best represented, and best prepared for success, industry professionals. Hey, now that the storm is over, the weather is looking pretty good. Sales are up and gaining strength. Permits are up, and new home inventory is getting very low. Watch for your weekly e-news reports for more details. God Bless.

Keeping the Faith,
Rusty MacLachlan


Sunday, August 2, 2009

President's Blog: A Tale of Two Sams

A wise grandmother once said, “If you’re having a bad day, then do something good for someone else. You will brighten their day and yours, too”. In the midst of a slow housing market, two of our builder members took the advice of Grandma.

At a time when conventional wisdom tells us to look out for #1, to scale back, to cut out ALL unnecessary expenses, the two Sams rose to the occasion. With the support of countless HBA members and other volunteers, Sam Bradley and Sam Clifton gave of themselves and changed lives. Two families and a hospital that provides cutting edge care to heal critically ill children were the direct beneficiaries, but the lives of all those involved have been forever changed.

Sam Bradley built the 2009 St. Jude Dream Home in our area, a collaborative project of the HBA Charitable Foundation and several other worthy partners. The home, located in Lions Gate subdivision, was a huge success. In spite of a slowing economy, our members (too many to list) donated time, materials, and sweat to produce a stunning home. Under the careful direction of Sam Bradley those involved put forth their very best. This 2009 Parade home was a work of art. This HBA Charitable Foundation project has actually raised approximately $1.7 million over the past three years to assist in the fight to find a cure for childhood cancers. The Dream Home has successfully raised money, but more importantly it has raised hope.

And, before anyone could catch their breath, Sam Clifton announced that he had been chosen to build a home for “Extreme Makeover - Home Edition”. With a groundbreaking date only weeks away, and an allotted construction time of one week, there was no time to waste. Sam Clifton called on the good people of our area and asked them to roll up their sleeves one more time. Many of you responded to the call by saying, “When can we start? What do you need?”

It looked like the State Fair had come to a Greene County farm road. Large circus tents were everywhere. Clifton truly was the ring master of a 24/7, three ring circus. The folks at “Extreme” said that this was an outstanding build and a top quality home. Again, many, many of our best stepped forward to give their all. With little or no sleep, volunteers poured out their hearts as they labored around the clock to assist a family in need. Months of work was squeezed into hours, even minutes. The EMHE’s theme this year is “Heroes”. Sam, you and all those who helped are truly Heroes.

Sam and Sam, and really everyone who had a hand in these events, you have made your grandmothers proud. God bless you all.

Keeping the Faith

Rusty MacLachlan, HBA President